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This Is Me

We love the movie The Greatest Showman. The music is motivating and the message inspiring, well at least for me, a mom whose son has a crooked back and wears a plaster cast. If you haven't watched this movie I highly recommend it!

Almost everywhere we go, my kids tell everyone they see that Caleb has a cast. You can cover his cast with a shirt but it does not hide that fact that there is something different. He looks like a linebacker always ready for a game. By now we are used to it. Hugging the plaster, patting the plaster instead of his back, protecting it from water/liquid mishaps and trying to keep it as clean as possible for as long as possible. Although these things have become our new normal, it does not make it easier because I pat plaster instead of my sons back when he is upset, I hug plaster when I great him after coming home from work or are snuggling in bed. Despite his limited ability to feel these things happening, he knows they are happening and it makes all the difference. To know he is in his mothers arms despite not fully feeling it is enough for him. He is amazingly strong and resilient.

I heard an interview with woman who plays the bearded lady. She lacked confidence and doubted her ability to even play her part. She was not even supposed to sing this song but when they heard it Hugh knew this must be sung by her. Hugh encouraged her to be bold and step out and she did very hesistantly and what was produced in my opinion was a very commanding performance that even took her by surprise. No matter who we think we are or what we think we can or can't do, step out and try. You never know what will happen. Check out this video of her first rehearsal. She was very reserved hiding behind the music stand and as she stepped out she became freer by the moment. I had no idea how I was going to manage a child in a cast that can't be removed but I'm doing. I have been working on this site for a year and decided to go for it. So I encourage you, watch this clip and go for it.

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