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The Weight

Anyone who has dealt with medical issues understands about the waiting game. How it tests and tries your patience waiting for that call or appointment. The weight that can come on you can be overwhelming, even physically affect your body. It's intense especially when its your child.

I will not go into the details of the wait we endured that caused the weight because it is off the table for now and hopefully for good. Scoliosis treatment is a bit of waiting game in itself. You get your progress in bits and pieces. When you go in for surgery you get an initial report from your surgeon on how well they were able to bring correction. Then you wait. Some people experience steady correction right along and some it may take a series of cast before they see results (a cast is on for 8-12 weeks on average). You don't know the true measure of the success of the casts until you receive an out of cast x-ray. This is for us will happen somewhere between cast 3 and 5. The cast will be removed and 48+ hours later once the spine has had time to relax we will get an out of cast x-ray and that will tell the us how well he has responded to the casts. This will tell us if he will if he is close to transitioning to a brace or if more casts will be needed. Some kids have had close to 2 dozen casts. We are hopeful that Caleb will only need 3-5 since his curve was caught early and was not yet severe.

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